How to take shelter

Step 1. Apply an ad
Placing ads on the site "in the way" is absolutely free. To place an ad, go to the section "List your space" by pressing the yellow button in the upper right corner of the page, and follow the instructions. First you will be asked to fill out a form with detailed characteristics ads residential facility. Save the changes and move on to the next step by pressing the "Next" button. At any time you can change the data and see the final look of your ads.
rent. The cost of rental housing you set yourself. To determine the average price level, you can view the ads of a similar geographical location and quality characteristics. When filling out the ad, you can choose as a fixed monthly payment and set flexible seasonal rates and special rates on weekdays and weekends. You can do this in a special tab "Calendar and prices".
How to attract the attention of customers: headers and housing characteristics. When completing the ads pay great attention to the header! A good headline - the card of your ad. It should encourage the visitor to read an ad in more detail. Title makes a brief, summarize and express the essence of your ad. Description desirable to make more detailed to interested visitors. Avoid grammatical errors.
Do not forget to fill in the section "House Rules" and specify the acceptable norms of behavior in a rented facility. Under the heading "Can I smoke", "Children", "Animals" you can note your wishes for each case.
Pictures and Videos. High-quality photos, which give a comprehensive picture of housing - one of the secrets of a successful search of clients. We provide you the opportunity to download 24 photos. It is desirable that the images were of good quality, realistic and as detailed as possible. The site "in the way" also created the ability to download video clips of your apartment. In our company you can use the services of a professional photographer and photography book a residential facility.
Profile. We recommend that you pay attention to completing their own profile data. As the main image is desirable to post pictures of one of the owners. Choose a good shot, positive pictures. Detail fill out the text fields: select the language of communication, where you live, tell us about yourself and your relationship to receive guests. Truthful and complete information about yourself will be the basis for a trusting relationship with your future guests.
Step 2: Communication

When communicating with strangers always have doubts and fears. To help you get acquainted with your potential guests, the company "in the way" provides you with various tools of communication. With their help, you can make 100% by the requirements of the guests of the owner of property.
Booking terms and conditions. Use the edit item "Terms and Conditions" in the "Your ads" on the right to a personal profile page, you can weed out the advance contingent of guests who refuse to accept. For example, you can limit the transmission of messages from those who have no main photo, a verified phone number or any other information.
Correspondence chatting. Most likely, wishing to stay for a while you will have to ask a lot of questions about you and your home. So do not skimp on the questions and you! Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the visit as much as possible. Since "in the way" does not reveal anyone's personal information to confirm the reservation, such communication is safe and necessary to establish friendly relations. Notification that you received a message can be sent by e-mail or as an SMS to a mobile number. You can also phone to wanting to stay with you through the application Voice connect.
Important questions. Rich Communication and detailed Explanation of their claims to the guests - a guarantee of successful cooperation. Ask guests about the purpose for which they travel, who are, whether friends with them, how many of them, what they do? For your peace of mind you can set a requirement for non - communication of their personal profile to the network Facebook, where you can get a full picture of the person.
The level of trust. In what other information about guests can pay attention to? The site "in the way" there are enough ways in which every guest can purchase a high level of confidence. You can view their personal real photographs, finds confirmation in Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, Google and other social networks, read reviews. If you decide to phone with a guest, be careful with the transfer of personal data.
Step 3. Booking
It is important to pay attention to the one you take in your home. But if you are concerned about the ranking of your ads, heed the following advice. If someone sent you a booking request, the opportunity to answer it operates only during the day. After 24 hours, the request will be canceled. Queries left unattended, bad for the position of your ads on search results and figures reflecting the rating of the responses. Even if you do not want to accept the request, respond to it before the expiry.
reservation requests. The site "in the way" reservation requests come to your personal mailbox or to another specified email. The request includes not only a message from a guest, but also all the details: the booking date, number of persons, etc. Double-check the information, ask questions in the case of inaccuracies. All this at your disposal there is 24 hours.
Preliminary confirmation and special offers. Preliminary confirmation and special offers - are tools that help to negotiate with the guest booking your property without a special request for a reservation. The report with preliminary confirmation will be a button "Book", which immediately confirm the fact armor. Special Offers - it offers you some guests discounts, fees, etc.
Charges. The system of ads on the site "in the way" involves two types of fees:
Charges owner - 3% with each booking. Thus covers the cost of registration and transfer of funds.
Charges guest - 6-10%. This collection provides a support service and acts as a guarantee for the hosts.
Placing ads on the platform "in the way" - a free service. Fees are charged only when the booking confirmation.
Payment of rent. Once a reservation request has been confirmed by you, the entire amount of the rent charged for guests and stored in the account "in the way" before the end of the first day of their stay in your home. Next rents transferred to the owner. This happens by any convenient way for you to transfer money: PayPal, Western Union, bank transfer, etc. To determine the convenient way of calculating, go to your personal account and click on the Control Panel "Method of payment".
Step 4: Meet the guests!

You will soon receive the rent! But until then, it is important to take care of a few more moments, because soon will need to meet the guests!
agreement. If you decide to confirm a reservation request, guest will receive a message with all of your personal data. Among them will be your contacts and exact address. Now it is important to contact and personally discuss the details of arrival (time of departure and arrival), the terms of settlement and delivery of the keys.
Preparatory work. Now try to put yourself in your guests what they might need, what they may expect from your home? First of all it is important to take care of cleanliness. Your guests will enjoy your trip, if you give them some trivia: towels, tea-coffee making facilities, a detailed map of the area. You can write a brief instruction on the use of home appliances: TV, Internet connection, a washing machine or some other object. Much depends on your imagination and hospitality. There are so many opportunities to please the guests: they arrange a tour with sightseeing or prepare a small treat.
Welcome guests
Note the exact time of arrival. Let everything will be ready for their arrival. Acquainted with the newcomers, spend with them at least a few minutes, briefly instruct them.